Friday, February 22, 2008


Well, I'd been purposefully hovering around two bars till ten for the past week, as I ran around Eversong Woods looking for copper to level up mining and Jewelcrafting, and make lots of stuff for my Poxic guildies. Today, though, Wulfa recommended selling those Small Eggs on the AH (since I am MAJORLY poor!), so I killed a bunch of Dragonhawks and finally dinged 10.

I'm kind of worried now about getting accidental XP while doing other things. I was avoiding fights while mining before, but if I had to kill something it wasn't a huge deal. Now, especially with rested bonus, even one kill feels like too much. Harisan is currently sitting OUTSIDE Orgrimmar, to avoid getting any more rested bonus in case I get too far ahead by accident.

Next thing on the agenda is doing all the grey-level quests in Durotar so I can get my rep up and not have to pay full price in this part of the world. Stupid Horde... why can't you all get along like the Alliance? They start out Friendly with everyone.

(Sits and anticipates the /gkick coming for blasphemizing against the Horde...)


Dammerung said...

Getting along...means complacency...which makes you lazy... like the alliance... lazyness makes you mean... like the alliance... mean makes you BAD... like the alliance.

So the moral?

Beat people regularly so you don't become evil.

LIke the alliance.

Ess said...

Madja is parked in Orgrimmar at the moment, and I assume the rest of the purple team is, too, so feel free to put your pally there, too. (I'm sure we all have a bunch of rested XP now. This is something I hadn't thought about before, but I'm sure it will all even out in the long run after we've been playing together a while. We may be uneven for a bit anyway as folks do their class quests, etc.)

For the Horde! ;)

Ess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ess said...

The post I removed was a duplicate. I had no idea it was going to leave that message. :P

Anonymous said...

Grats on the ding, Harisan! What cracks me up is that we're all in such a poor financial state that whenever I'm posting something on the AH or even just browsing, I see our names pop up all over the place. I don't want to compete with my guildies so sometimes I just put my extra stuff in the bank.

Dammerung said...

Heh. I've started buying stuff off my guildies :p. Fuller for example has been my main herbalism supplier...either through the AH... or through guild channel pleading.

Rusty said...

Just for full disclosure, Daxe has about a half a level of rest xp and about 3 bars of actual xp into the level.

I messed up last night and accidentally discovered the Vile Reef while swimming around in my HAWT bikini. Oopsy! /giggle. Wulfa must have been scared that she'd get eaten, cause she didn't even move off the island! hahahahahahahahaha....ah ha ha ha....ahhhhhhh.


Beowulfa said...

I saw a shark! Honest! And I did let you know. I yelled "shark!" complete with the scary music. I guess you didn't hear me .....